ILARIA FRANZA Solo exhibition

Solo exhibition by Ilaria Franza

iKonica Art Gallery is pleased to present the solo exhibition by Ilaria Franza (1982, Como), which opens on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 6:00 PM at via Nicola Antonio Porpora 16/A, Milan.
The exhibition spans the three rooms of the gallery and features a selection of about thirty paintings from the “” series, ranging from small to large sizes, offering an immersion into a liquid universe made up of abstract landscapes inspired by views of Lake Orta.
Erika Lacava writes in the accompanying critical text: “Ilaria Franza’s artistic research unfolds through liquid atmospheres and imaginative landscapes, at the border between the finite, the unfinished, and the infinite, traversing various stages in the fluidity of change. The title of the series, “,” evokes the concept of infinity, a dimension in which the gaze is lost while the canvas becomes the horizon, an inner landscape that expands, detaching itself from the shores of the lake, between the waves of water and deposits of matter, losing itself in the sky. A landscape barely outlined, with uncertain borders, yet in which traces of the real landscape can be found.”
Ilaria Franza’s exhibition invites visitors to lose themselves in the waters and colors of both inner and outer landscapes, in a sensory journey that speaks of nature, emotions, and the constant search for balance between control and surrender. Her paintings, characterized by both strong and delicate gestures, are the result of a deep connection with the natural environment, an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

The exhibition is open until March 22, 2025, from Monday to Saturday, from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

Featured Artists

Ilaria Franza

Curator: Curators: Andrea Colombo and Corinna Mondini, Critical text: Erika Lacava

Discover more: Web page

Le Date della Mostra

Opening Exhibition: mercoledì, 12 Marzo 2025   from h. 6:30 PM

Days Exhibition: from monday to saturday: 4.30 - 7.30 PM

Scheduling: Current exhibition